PAST : The 6th Meeting of HAPUA Working Group 3 – Distribution and Power Quality & Reliability

Electricite du Cambodge, Cambodia, cordially invites members of HAPUA Working Group 3 to attend the 6th Meeting of HAPUA Working Group 3 – Distribution and Power Quality & Reliability and Sub-Working Groups.

The meeting will be held in Phnom Penh Hotel, Phnom Penh – Cambodia on Wednesday – Friday, 3 – 5 May 2017.

Further confirmation, kindly contact us.

NGCP Shares Best Practices on Power System Operations with Southeast Asian Utility

In line with the HAPUA’s efforts to foster regional cooperation among power utilities and authorities, the National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP) hosted the Power System Operations Program for Vietnam Electricity (EVN) last March 20 to 23 in Ortigas and Quezon City, Philippines.

NGCP is a private corporation that manages, operates and maintains the Philippines’ power transmission grid.

The Power System Operations Program was facilitated by nine (9) subject matter experts from NGCP’s System Operations Group, and attended by 10 Engineers and Power System Operators from the National Load Dispatch Center, Central Region Dispatch Centre and South Regional Load Dispatch Centre of EVN.

The 4-day program covered topics on managing, operating and maintaining the power grids of both countries. The exchange of best practices, information and ideas contributed to make the sessions engaging and interactive.

According to NGCP’s Deputy Assistant Chief Technical Officer for System Operations Santiago A. Dimaliwat, IV, “nothing beats being with fellow power system engineers from an ASEAN nation with similar desire of providing best service for their countrymen.” He also commended the learning and exchange opportunities as a good start in building strong relationship between the Philippines and Vietnam.