Electricity of Vietnam (EVN) Benchmarking Visit for Middle Managers to Sarawak Energy Berhad

Middle Managers of Electricity of Vietnam (EVN) had a benchmarking visit to Sarawak Energy Berhad, Malaysia from  6th until 10th March 2017.

This initiative is part of HAPUA (Heads of ASEAN Power Utilities/Authorities) Working Group No. 5 on Human Resource program and was organised by People & Leadership Development Department of Sarawak Energy Berhad.  The objective of this benchmarking visit is mainly knowledge sharing in the following areas:

  • Grid System Operation,
  • Distribution Network Services
  • Operation & Maintenance Hydro Power Plants

Day 1 – Knowledge Sharing by General Manager (Planning, Strategy & Corporate Development), Mr Leslie Chai

Visit to Batang Ai Power Station

Part of the activities – Lunch at Ulu Ai, Batang Ai

Visit to Sejingkat Power Corporation


EVN and TNB Collaboration on Transmission Unmanned Substation

Twenty engineers from EVN National Power Transmission Corporation attended a 5 day training program Transmission Unmanned Substation from 17-21 April 2017 at Tenaga Nasional Berhad, Malaysia

Knowledge and skills in advanced technologies for managing transmission substation provides a competitive advantage and most likely to be of help to planners of transmission grids in responding to the challenges of the future. These issues have increased importance because of administrative complication and the fragmentation of public opinion expressed on the build-up of new infrastructure.

With phenomenal growth in the power to be transferred, it has become essential to transmit power with least interruptions and minimum losses with optimum number of transformations, to ensure least possible losses. These substations are the nerve centres of the transmission system by controlling and protecting the entire transmission network.

Of late, the regulators are also enforcing higher performance standards for transmission utilities to comply with. Penal provisions for non-compliance are in the offing. Efficient and economical design, erection and operation and maintenance procedures of substations without any compromise become paramount in providing reliable supply besides prolonging the life of equipment.

Meeting this changing scenario requires special skills on the part of the professionals of the transmission sector to handle the system efficiently and economically. This training programme is designed to provide a comprehensive knowledge and skills of planning, designing, operating and monitoring the system with advanced technology in mind.

The following topics were covered during the training: 

  1. Overview of Transmission Grid Operation Philosophy
  2. Control Centre SCADA/Energy Management System (EMS)
  3. Transmission Substation Operation and Design
  4. Advance Technology – Online Monitoring System
  5. Advance Technology – Digital Substation & Substation Interrogation and Monitoring System
  6. Advance Technology – Active Network Management and Grid Automation
  7. Site visit to Conventional Transmission Substation or Network Control Centre (Depending on approval)
  8. Site visit to Digital Transmission Substation

PAST : The 6th Meeting of HAPUA Working Group 3 – Distribution and Power Quality & Reliability

Electricite du Cambodge, Cambodia, cordially invites members of HAPUA Working Group 3 to attend the 6th Meeting of HAPUA Working Group 3 – Distribution and Power Quality & Reliability and Sub-Working Groups.

The meeting will be held in Phnom Penh Hotel, Phnom Penh – Cambodia on Wednesday – Friday, 3 – 5 May 2017.

Further confirmation, kindly contact us.

NGCP Shares Best Practices on Power System Operations with Southeast Asian Utility

In line with the HAPUA’s efforts to foster regional cooperation among power utilities and authorities, the National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP) hosted the Power System Operations Program for Vietnam Electricity (EVN) last March 20 to 23 in Ortigas and Quezon City, Philippines.

NGCP is a private corporation that manages, operates and maintains the Philippines’ power transmission grid.

The Power System Operations Program was facilitated by nine (9) subject matter experts from NGCP’s System Operations Group, and attended by 10 Engineers and Power System Operators from the National Load Dispatch Center, Central Region Dispatch Centre and South Regional Load Dispatch Centre of EVN.

The 4-day program covered topics on managing, operating and maintaining the power grids of both countries. The exchange of best practices, information and ideas contributed to make the sessions engaging and interactive.

According to NGCP’s Deputy Assistant Chief Technical Officer for System Operations Santiago A. Dimaliwat, IV, “nothing beats being with fellow power system engineers from an ASEAN nation with similar desire of providing best service for their countrymen.” He also commended the learning and exchange opportunities as a good start in building strong relationship between the Philippines and Vietnam.


HAPUA Working Group 5 Upcoming Programs

  1. Middle Managers Program –  Benchmarking Visit (Sarawak, 6 – 10 March 2017)
  2. Power System Operations (Manila, 20 – 23 March 2017)
  3. Transmission Unmanned Substation (Malaysia, 27 – 31 March 2017)
  4. Philippines Electricity Market Deployment and Operation Experience (Manila, 19 – 20 April 2017)
  5. HAPUA WG5 Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition for National Control Centre (Manila, 26 – 27 April 2017)

Further information, click here

HAPUA WG5 Program on Labour and Productivity Improvement

Increasing labour productivity is generally hailed as a positive outcome of technological innovation.  High employee productivity is the heartbeat of a successful business. When system and processes are not systematic and organized, they will affect employee’s productivity. When employees are distracted and unhappy, their work performance declines, and ultimately so does the organization. When employees experience problems, they don’t perform to their highest potential. Research has shown that management practices impact productivity significantly – a single point improvement in management practice is associated with the same increase in output as a 25% increase in labour force or 65% increase in invested capital. This ultimately will generate higher profit margin for the company in the long run.

To keep abreast with the latest technological innovation, Electricity of Vietnam (EVN) working with Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) hosted the HAPUA WG5 Program on Labour and Productivity Improvement from 27th February – 1 March 2017 in Da Nang City, Central of Vietnam with the theme  Making It Work for Employees and Organisation.


In this innovative and insightful program, Mr Suhaimi Sudin a Senior Lecturer from Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN) Malaysia led the program  using experiential learning techniques based on andragogical or adult-learning approaches such as Interactive lectures and discussions, case studies analysis, individual and small team presentation, and experience sharing from actual cases. He was assisted by Ms Zuliawati Binti Mohamed Saad.

The program discussed issues pertaining to:

  • Understanding Productivity Management and Practices
  • The Workforce Productivity Framework
  • Implementing and Sustaining Productivity Drive
  • Measuring Productivity and Developing Indicators

A total of 37 delegates participated from PJB, Indonesia, NGCP Philippines and EVN Vietnam.

EDL / EDL Gen hosted The HAPUA WG5 Training Program on Operation and Maintenance of Hydro Power Plants

Experience of running hydropower stations in Lao has shown that even after careful project planning and good quality control measures from construction to commissioning, unforeseen problems do occur in service resulting in unplanned outages / low generation and load shedding etc. This causes disruption to consumers and reduced cash generation for the operator. A contributing factor to these operational problems is the fact that hydro power equipment and plant is custom built. The equipment cannot be fully assembled or tested in a factory before sending it to site. Maintenance activities at predetermined time intervals are necessary to ensure the reliability and efficiency of the plants.

Interaction amongst working staff at various power stations in the country needs to be organized to improve performance of plant and equipment in totality so as to implement good Operation & Maintenance Practices. Therefore to refresh its employees knowledge and to give advanced technical information to improve their work quality,  Electricite du Laos (EDL) and EDL Generation Public Company (EDL Gen) hosted the Operation and Maintenance of Hydro Power Plants Training Program  from 27thFebruary – 2nd March 2017 in Vientiane , Laos.

The program collaborated with Tenaga Nasional Berhad, was attended by 26 participants from Electricite du Laos (EDL) and  EDL Generation Public Company (EDL Gen) of Lao and 4 delegates from Sarawak Energy Berhad of Malaysia.

The 4 days program focus on the overview of hydro plant, hydro plant major component and systems (including civil structure and hydro plant systems), hydro plant operation, hydro plant isolation and normalization including hydro plant testing and re-commissioning and was facilitated by Ms Soh Ley Bau, Principal Trainer and Mr Muhamad Munawir Bin Mohd Yatim, Subject Matter Expert of Tenaga Nasional Berhad, Malaysia.

Ms Rattana PRATHOUMVAN Managing Director and CEO of EDL Gen graciously officiated the event on behalf of EDL.

TNB hosted HAPUA Internal Audit Workshop

Tenaga Nasional Berhad hosted the Inaugural HAPUA Internal Audit Workshop from 27-28 February 2017 at Hotel Grand Millennium, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The objective of the workshop was to provide a platform for internal auditors to share their experience and knowledge with the aim of enhancing their capability and professionalism. With the capability required, internal auditors can move up the value chain and become a trusted advisor to the organization.

The dynamism of the ASEAN region poses many challenges and opportunities to the industry. With all the development that is taking place in this part of the world, the new challenge to people in the electricity industry is to manage  and provide the supply that suits the requirements of the customers particularly in high tech industries.  Auditors can no longer focus on its own internal tasks. It must be responsible for ensuring that Audit’s strategy, goals and priorities are driven by and aligned with the overall business needs.

A forum of this nature will certainly serve as a good platform  to exchange experience and new ideas to fulfil the objectives and the responsibilities of utilities in the respective countries.  Auditors must understand the organization’s business. In addition to fully understand the business, Auditors must understand the environment in which it operates, the competition, and the circumstances that could influence the progress of the organization.

A total of 43 delegates participated. They were from Pembangkitan Jawa Bali (PJB) of  Indonesia, EDL Gen of Laos, Tenaga Nasional Berhad and Sarawak Energy Berhad of Malaysia, National Grid Corporation of Philippines, TRANSCO, MERALCO of Philippines, Singapore Power of Singapore , Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT), Metropolitan Electricity Authority (MEA) of  Thailand and Electricity of Vietnam (EVN) of Vietnam

MERALCO hosted the HAPUA WG 5 Program on Renewable Energy Project Development and Financing , 20-23 Feb 2017, Philippines

The program was participated by Metropolitan Electricity Authority (MEA) of Thailand, Electricite du Laos (EDL), EDL Gen of Laos and Tenaga Nasional Berhad of Malaysia

Participants were expose to the following areas during the 4 day program

  • challenges and trend in RE Project Development in the Philippine environment;
  • Understanding  the  contract structure and financial risks for different types of renewable projects including biomass, on-shore wind, off-shore wind, solar PV, solar thermal and geothermal.
  • how to create resource analysis and financial models for renewable energy that incorporates resource risk, financing structure, tax treatments, alternative pricing policies and other  factors.
  • practical excel-based tools to analyze renewable energy project including resource analysis of biomass, wind, hydro and solar data.
  • Measuring and evaluating changes in the risk of projects from development to construction to mature operation stages of the project and how equity returns and value change at different phases of a project’s life.
  • Understanding and analyzing the implications of project finance features in the context of renewable energy (such as sculpting, debt funding, debt size, DSCR, DSRA, debt tenor, re-financing) on the levelised cost of energy and the equity returns from renewable energy.
  • Developing efficient ways to quickly compute the levelized electricity cost of different technologies using carrying charge factors and alternative financial models; and evaluate recent cost trends in capital cost, operating cost and efficiency of renewable resource through studying financial condition of wind and solar suppliers over the past few years

Mr. Ed Bodmer – RE Project Development Facilitator delivering his topics

33 participants from 18 companies participated in the program

From left to right:
Mr. Ed Bodmer – RE Project Development Facilitator, Mr. Eugene Araullo – Head of Meralco Power Academy, Atty. Jose M. Layug – Chairman of National Renewable Energy and Former Department of Energy USEC.