The HAPUA Council Members Joint Statement 2019

We, the Heads of ASEAN Power Utilities/Authorities, reiterate our commitment to strengthen ASEAN energy security and enhance capacity building in the region, while taking necessary actions to preserve the environment and address climate-related challenges. We are specifically committed to:


  1. Pursue the integration of the ASEAN Power Grid (APG) to support optimal use of resources and economic integration, and with the completion of Phase l of the Lao PDR–Thailand–Malaysia Power Integration Project (LTM PIP), commence Phase ll of the Lao PDR–Thailand–Malaysia Power Integration Project (LTM PIP) to increase multilateral energy trade from 100MW up to 300MW and commence work to include Singapore on the Lao PDR–Thailand–Malaysia–Singapore Power Integration Project (LTMS PIP) in 2020;


  1. Pursue the development of the roadmap and action plan of the minimum requirements set forth in the completed Feasibility Study for ASEAN Multilateral Power Trade by 2020, in order to establish the market mechanism, institutions and interconnection infrastructure needed to advance multilateral electricity trade;


  1. Support the development of the ASEAN Interconnection Master Plan Studies (AIMS III) with the purpose of enhancing the energy connectivity and market integration in ASEAN to achieve energy security, accessibility, affordability and sustainability for all;


  1. Contribute to the achievement of the ASEAN Renewable Energy (RE) target of 23% share of Total Primary Energy Supply (TPES) by 2025, and examine the impact and value of technologies to respond to the increasing scale of RE penetration as well as exploring ways to apply grid modernization, grid flexibility, smart grid and digitization technologies, while maintaining system reliability and power quality; and


  1. Continue to strengthen capabilities of ASEAN Member States on the efficient and sustainable generation, delivery and consumption of electricity through collaborative training, expertise and best practices sharing.