Joint Statement of the Heads of ASEAN Power Utilities/Authorities (HAPUA) Council Meeting 2024


We, the Heads of ASEAN Power Utilities/Authorities, reaffirm our unwavering commitment to enhancing energy connectivity and market integration within ASEAN to achieve energy security, accessibility, affordability, and sustainability for all while taking necessary actions to preserve the environment and address climate change challenges. In alignment with these goals, we are specifically committed to:

  1. Accelerating Energy Transition: We pledge to expedite the energy transition across the ASEAN region by integrating higher shares of renewable energy into the power grids, advancing the deployment of clean technologies, and fostering innovation in grid modernization, flexibility, and digitization. We recognize the critical role of energy transition in achieving our sustainability objectives and mitigating the impacts of climate change.
  2. Advancing AIMS III Phase 3 on Multilateral Power Trade: We commit to the milestones set forth in the ASEAN Interconnection Master Plan Studies III (AIMS III) Phase 3, focusing on establishing a robust multilateral power trade framework. By collaborating closely with the ASEAN Energy Regulator Network (AERN) and the ASEAN Power Grid Consultative Committee (APGCC), we aim to develop the necessary regulatory mechanisms, institutional arrangement, and interconnection infrastructures including sub-sea interconnection that will facilitate seamless power trade across the region.
  3. Accelerating ASEAN Power Grid through Multilateral power interconnection projects: We acknowledge the successful implementation of Lao PDR-Thailand-Malaysia-Singapore Power Integration Project (LTMS PIP) and strongly support the progress of various power interconnection projects such as Brunei-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines (BIMP) power integration project and others as a critical step towards enhancing sub-regional energy security and resilience. These projects are expected to serve as a model for future power integration initiatives within ASEAN, demonstrating the benefits of interconnected grids and shared resources.
  4. Strengthening the ASEAN Power Grid through a Successor Agreement: We emphasize the importance of formalizing our collective efforts through successor agreement on the existing ASEAN Power Grid (APG) MoU. This successor agreement will outline our shared vision and commitments to further develop and integrate the APG to facilitate multilateral power trade, improve energy security, and promote sustainable development within the region.
  5. Enhancing Cooperation among ASEAN Member States: To strengthen the capabilities of ASEAN Member States in managing electricity systems, we commit to expanding cooperation through various means. This includes organizing collaborative training programs, workshops, knowledge sharing and seminars focused on best practices in energy management, grid modernization, renewable energy integration, and sub-sea interconnection. We also pledge to facilitate the exchange of expertise and technology among member states, ensuring that all nations within ASEAN can benefit from collective advancements in the energy sector.


We remain dedicated to our shared vision of a fully integrated, sustainable, and resilient ASEAN power grid, and we look forward to continuing our close cooperation in achieving these vital objectives. We also take cognizance the importance of continuous government support in ensuring successful execution and delivery of the HAPUA initiatives under ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation (APAEC).



We, the Heads of ASEAN Power Utilities/Authorities, reiterate our commitment to enhance energy connectivity and market integration in ASEAN to achieve energy security, accessibility, affordability, and sustainability for all while taking necessary actions to preserve the environment and address climate change challenges. We are specifically committed to:


  1. Welcome to expand the capacity of the Lao PDR-Thailand-Malaysia-Singapore (LTMS)-PIP of cross border power trade from Lao PDR to Singapore via Thailand and Malaysia using existing connection for two-     years period      as  a  further step to support      HAPUA      initiatives on the ASEAN Power Grid (APG) and Multilateral Power Trade (MPT) in the region;


  1. Welcome the progress of efforts towards multilateral power trade including the Power Interconnection Projects (PIPs) that will initiate the Brunei-Indonesia-Malaysia and the Philippines (BIMP)-PIP in 2023.


  1. Welcome the commencement for the new feasibility studies on cross border interconnection and multilateral interconnection in the sub region in order to share the renewable energy



  1. Endorse the draft text of the Instrument of Extension (IoE) of the existing APG MoU, and agree to target IoE signing at the 41st AMEM and expedite efforts to obtain their Full Powers to enable such signing.


  1. Achieve milestones of the road map and action plan of the minimum requirements for establishing MPT set forth in the completed Feasibility Study for ASEAN MPT      by working hand in hand with ASEAN Energy Regulators Network (AERN) and ASEAN Power Grid Consultative Committee (APGCC) to collaborate and create consensus on regulatory aspects of the      MPT      and the      APG     , to establish the market mechanism, institutions and interconnection infrastructure needed to advance the multilateral power trade;


  1. Explore results and recommendations coming from ASEAN Interconnection Master Plan Studies III (AIMS III) to be used as a reference for APAEC Phase II implementation and further development of APG and Multilateral Power Trade with the purpose of      increasing the integration of renewable energy into the grid by capturing      the opportunities and benefits of having higher variable renewable energy (VRE) and the use of emerging new, lower cost and sustainable technologies and to keep the relevancy of AIMS III result under the changing national and regional energy landscape, the periodically updated of the study is welcomed;


  1. Contribute to the achievement of the ASEAN Renewable Energy (RE) target of 23% share of Total Primary Energy Supply (TPES) by 2025 in line with AMS initiatives on energy transition and decarbonization by assessing the potential of renewable energy investment opportunities and contribution to the      APG, and examine the impact and value of technologies to respond to the increasing scale of RE penetration as well as exploring ways to apply grid modernization, grid flexibility, smart grid and digitization technologies, while maintaining system reliability and power quality; and


  1. Contribute to strengthen capabilities of AMS on the efficient and sustainable power generation, delivery, and consumption of electricity through collaborative training, expertise and best practices sharing.


We, the Heads of ASEAN Power Utilities/Authorities, reiterate our commitment to enhance energy connectivity and market integration in ASEAN to achieve energy security, accessibility, affordability and sustainability for all while taking necessary actions to preserve the environment and address climate change challenges. We are specifically committed to:


  1. Welcome the commencement of the Lao PDR–Thailand–Malaysia-Singapore Power Integration Project (LTMS-PIP) in June 2022, which enables up to 100 MW of cross border power trade from Lao PDR to Singapore via Thailand and Malaysia using existing connection for two-year period as a further step to support HAPUA initiativeson the ASEAN Power Grid (APG) and Multilateral Power Trade (MPT) in the region;


  1. Encourage participation of other ASEAN Member States (AMS) to the MPT of the LTMS-PIP which has shown a great accomplishment as well as supporting the initiation of multilateral power trade in other sub regions;


  1. Achieve milestones of the road map and action plan of the minimum requirements for establishing MPT set forth in the completed Feasibility Study for ASEAN MPT by working hand in hand with ASEAN Energy Regulators Network (AERN) and ASEAN Power Grid Consultative Committee (APGCC) to collaborate and create consensus on regulatory aspects of the MPT and the APG, to establish the market mechanism, institutions and interconnection infrastructure needed to advance the multilateral power trade;


  1. Explore results and recommendations coming from ASEAN Interconnection Master Plan Studies III (AIMS III) to be used as a reference for APAEC Phase II implementation and further development of APG and Multilateral Power Trade with the purpose of increasing the integration of renewable energy into the grid by capturing the opportunities and benefits of having higher variable renewable energy (VRE) and the use of emerging new, lower cost and sustainable technologies;


  1. Contribute to the achievement of the ASEAN Renewable Energy (RE) target of 23% share of Total Primary Energy Supply (TPES) in line with AMS initiatives on energy transition and decarbonization by assessing the potential of renewable energy investment opportunities and contribution to the APG, and examine the impact and value of technologies to respond to the increasing scale of RE penetration as well as exploring ways to apply grid modernization, grid flexibility, smart grid and digitization technologies, while maintaining system reliability and power quality; and


  1. Contribute to strengthen capabilities of AMS on the efficient and sustainable power generation, delivery and consumption of electricity through collaborative training, expertise and best practices sharing.


We, the Heads of ASEAN Power Utilities/Authorities, reiterate our commitment to enhance energy connectivity and market integration in ASEAN to achieve energy security, accessibility, affordability and sustainability for all while taking necessary actions to preserve the environment and address climate-related challenges. We are specifically committed to:


  1. Acknowledge the commencement of the Lao PDR–Thailand–Malaysia Power Integration Project (LTM PIP) Phase ll with energy traded up to 300 MW and the efforts to realize the Lao PDR-Thailand-Malaysia-Singapore Power Integration Project (LTMS-PIP) which enables up to 100 MW of cross border power trade from Lao PDR to Singapore via Thailand and Malaysia using existing connection to commence from 2022-2023 as further valuable step of HAPUA heading towards Multilateral Power Trade (MPT);


  1. Encourage the expansion of the MPT participation of the Lao PDR-Thailand-Malaysia Power Integration Project (LTM-PIP) Phase 1 and Phase 2 which has shown great accomplishment by encouraging other ASEAN Member States to participate the multilateral power trade or to initiate the electricity multilateral trading in another regions or sub regions;


  1. Achieve milestones of the roadmap and action plan of the minimum requirements for establishing MPT set forth in the completed Feasibility Study for ASEAN Multilateral Power Trade by working hand in hand with ASEAN Energy Regulatory Network (AERN) as a platform for national regulators of ASEAN Member States to collaborate and create consensus on regulatory aspects of MPT and ASEAN Power Grid (APG), in order to establish the market mechanism, institutions and interconnection infrastructure needed to advance multilateral electricity trade;


  1. Explore results and recommendations coming from ASEAN Interconnection Master Plan Studies III (AIMS III) to be used as reference for APAEC Phase II and further development of APG and MPT with the purpose to increase integration of renewable energy into the Grid by capturing the opportunities and benefits of having higher Variable Renewable Energy (VRE) and the use of emerging new, lower cost and sustainable technologies;


  1. Contribute to the achievement of the ASEAN Renewable Energy (RE) target of 23% share of Total Primary Energy Supply (TPES) and 35% share of RE in ASEAN installed power capacity by 2025 by assessing the potential of Renewable Energy Investment opportunities and contribution to the ASEAN Power Grid, and examine the impact and value of technologies to respond to the increasing scale of RE penetration as well as exploring ways to apply grid modernization, grid flexibility, smart grid and digitization technologies, while maintaining system reliability and power quality; and


  1. Contribute to strengthen capabilities of ASEAN Member States on the efficient and sustainable generation, delivery and consumption of electricity through collaborative training, expertise and best practices sharing.


We, the Heads of ASEAN Power Utilities/Authorities, reiterate our commitment to enhance energy connectivity and market integration in ASEAN to achieve energy security, accessibility, affordability and sustainability for all while taking necessary actions to preserve the environment and address climate- related challenges. We are specifically committed to:



  1. Pursue the integration of the ASEAN Power Grid (APG) to support optimal use of regional resources and economic integration, and with the commencement of the Lao PDR–Thailand–Malaysia Power Integration Project (LTM PIP) Phase ll with energy traded up to 300 MW. The Lao PDR-Thailand- Malaysia-Singapore Power Integration Project (LTMS-PIP) which enables up to 100 MW of cross border power trade, from Lao PDR to Singapore via Thailand and Malaysia using existing connection is also targeted to commence from 2022-2023.


  1. Pursue the participation expansion of the multilateral power trade participation of the Lao PDR- Thailand-Malaysia Power Integration Project (LTM-PIP) Phase 1 and Phase 2 which has shown great accomplishment by encouraging other ASEAN Member States to participate the multilateral power trade or to initiate the electricity multilateral trading in another regions or sub regions;


  1. Pursue implementation of the roadmap and action plan of the minimum requirements for establishing multilateral power trade set forth in the completed Feasibility Study for ASEAN Multilateral Power Trade by working hand in hand with ASEAN Energy Regulatory Network (AERN) as a platform for national regulators of ASEAN Member States to collaborate and create consensus on regulatory aspects of multilateral power trade and ASEAN Power Grid, in order to establish the market mechanism, institutions and interconnection infrastructure needed to advance multilateral electricity trade;


  1. Support the implementation of the ASEAN Interconnection Master Plan Studies (AIMS III) with the purpose of increasing the integration of renewable energy into ASEAN Power Grid, exploring an opportunity and benefit of having higher Variable Renewable Energy (VRE), Emergence of new technologies with the lower cost in future and sustainability and advancing for multilateral power trade;


  1. Contribute to the achievement of the ASEAN Renewable Energy (RE) target of 23% share of Total Primary Energy Supply (TPES) by 2025 by assessing the potential of Renewable Energy Investment opportunities and contribution to the ASEAN Power Grid, and examine the impact and value of technologies to respond to the increasing scale of RE penetration as well as exploring ways to apply grid modernization, grid flexibility, smart grid and digitization technologies, while maintaining system reliability and power quality; and


  1. Continue to strengthen capabilities of ASEAN Member States on the efficient and sustainable generation, delivery and consumption of electricity through collaborative training, expertise and best practices

The HAPUA Council Members Joint Statement 2019

We, the Heads of ASEAN Power Utilities/Authorities, reiterate our commitment to strengthen ASEAN energy security and enhance capacity building in the region, while taking necessary actions to preserve the environment and address climate-related challenges. We are specifically committed to:


  1. Pursue the integration of the ASEAN Power Grid (APG) to support optimal use of resources and economic integration, and with the completion of Phase l of the Lao PDR–Thailand–Malaysia Power Integration Project (LTM PIP), commence Phase ll of the Lao PDR–Thailand–Malaysia Power Integration Project (LTM PIP) to increase multilateral energy trade from 100MW up to 300MW and commence work to include Singapore on the Lao PDR–Thailand–Malaysia–Singapore Power Integration Project (LTMS PIP) in 2020;


  1. Pursue the development of the roadmap and action plan of the minimum requirements set forth in the completed Feasibility Study for ASEAN Multilateral Power Trade by 2020, in order to establish the market mechanism, institutions and interconnection infrastructure needed to advance multilateral electricity trade;


  1. Support the development of the ASEAN Interconnection Master Plan Studies (AIMS III) with the purpose of enhancing the energy connectivity and market integration in ASEAN to achieve energy security, accessibility, affordability and sustainability for all;


  1. Contribute to the achievement of the ASEAN Renewable Energy (RE) target of 23% share of Total Primary Energy Supply (TPES) by 2025, and examine the impact and value of technologies to respond to the increasing scale of RE penetration as well as exploring ways to apply grid modernization, grid flexibility, smart grid and digitization technologies, while maintaining system reliability and power quality; and


  1. Continue to strengthen capabilities of ASEAN Member States on the efficient and sustainable generation, delivery and consumption of electricity through collaborative training, expertise and best practices sharing.


The HAPUA Council Members Joint Statement 2018

We, the Heads of ASEAN Power Utilities/Authorities, reiterate our commitment to contribute to strengthening ASEAN energy security and enhancing capacity building in the region, while taking necessary actions to preserve the environment and address climate-related challenges. We are specifically committed to:

  1. In pursuit of the integration of the ASEAN Power Grid (APG) to support optimal use of resources and economic integration, conduct a review of the lessons learned from the Phase 1 of the Lao PDR–Thailand–Malaysia-Singapore Power Integration Project (LTMS PIP) and assess the implementation plans for Phase 2 to include Singapore as well as the Lao PDR-Thailand-Myanmar power integration project;
  2. Towards establishing the market mechanism, institutions and interconnection infrastructure needed to advance multilateral electricity trade, complete the Feasibility Study for ASEAN Multilateral Power Trade in 2019 and synergise with the two other major APG studies, namely the studies on the ASEAN Power Grid Generation and Transmission System Planning Institution (AGTP) and the ASEAN Power Grid Transmission System Operator Institution (ATSO) as well as the ASEAN Interconnection Master Plan Study (AIMS III);
  3. Contribute to the achievement of the ASEAN renewable energy (RE) target of 23% by 2025, by among others examining the flexibility of the generation, transmission and distribution systems to respond to the increasing scale of RE penetration and strengthening programs on energy efficiency and conservation as well as exploring ways to deploy smart grid and digitisation technologies;
  4. Address the challenges to the utility industry arising from the convergence of power and telecommunications by embarking on technical, commercial and safety studies on the use of existing fiber optics in the power systems for telecommunications; and,
  5. Continue to enhance the competency of ASEAN Member States on the efficient production, delivery and consumption of electricity through collaborative trainings and providing avenues to share expertise and best practices.

The HAPUA Council Members Joint Statement 2017

Emphasizing our commitment towards ASEAN energy security and economic community, the HAPUA Council is committed towards:

  1. Implementing the first phase of “Lao PDR-Thailand-Malaysia-Singapore (LTMS) Power Integration Project (PIP)” by January 2018, which will optimize the use of resources and promote economic cooperation on multilateral power interconnections and trading in the region;
  2. Pursuing the three (3) ASEAN Power Grid (APG) identified as priority projects under the APAEC 2016-2025 Phase I, in addition to the eight (8) projects already implemented, which will more than double the power exchange and purchase in the region from the current 5,200 MW to 10,800 MW by 2020, and further increase to over 16,000 MW post – 2020;
  3. Pursuing the development of a high level plan for the realization of multilateral power trading in the APG that covers three phases, including a comprehensive feasibility study, design and implementation, to deliver a fully operable multilateral power trading in ASEAN;
  4. Contributing to the reduction of carbon emission from primary energy by supporting the ASEAN target of achieving 23% of renewable energy mix by 2025 from the current level at about 11% (Total Primary Energy Supply, TPES), while maintaining system reliability and power quality;
  5. Enhancing power reliability and quality by modernizing the Grid system in ASEAN Member States, including utilizing Smart Grid technologies and providing technical and non-technical expertise, cooperation and human capital development.